HARMUNIA POWER PURIFIER is the entry level product range dedicated to the filtering of the mains voltage.
Is also a distributor of energy, allowing to connect up to 6 users.
It offers great performance without requiring a badget challenging.
It has a filter of the new generation, designed according to the principles of quantum mechanics, used by the military in SMA
He has a great versatility: connected to any type of device, determines a noticeable improvement in performance playback, audio and audio-video.
The POWER PURIFIER allows for an unmasking general: more air around each performer, deeper, better definition without excessive brightness, perception of a black background more intense, further definition of rhythmic impulses, effortlessly dynamic, harmonious contrasts and more defined a stage more realistic. |
In the audio-video playback fidelity in color reproduction and resolution bring out a vitality unknown before.
The POWER PURIFIER is made of aluminum with a thickness of 4 mm, which guarantees total protection against the effects of RFI and is internally damped with special inserts to lower resonance endogenous.
The internal wiring is made with connection of individual outlets '' STAR '' UP-OCC copper 6n solid core teflon insulation.
You're taken multistandard VIMAR ensure good mechanical strength, good contact and adequate flexibility in the insertion of the plugs.